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Quick Start with Robot Framework: Simplifying Test Automation

 Introduction: Are you tired of spending hours on repetitive software testing tasks? Look no further! Robot Framework is here to simplify your test automation process. In this quick start guide, we'll explore the key features of Robot Framework and provide you with the necessary steps to get started. What is Robot Framework? Robot Framework is an open-source test automation framework that allows you to write easy-to-read test cases in a keyword-driven format. It provides a simple and intuitive way to automate your software tests, making it a popular choice among testers and developers. Installation: To begin using Robot Framework, follow these installation steps: Install Python on your machine (version 2.7 or higher). Use pip, the Python package installer, to install Robot Framework: > pip install robotframework Install Selenium library >  pip install  robotframework-seleniumlibrary Creating Your First Test Case: Let's dive into creating your first test case with Robot Fr
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Read Excel with Java

Happy Automation! How to do in plain Java and POI  We use Apache POI library for reading an excel file. To read a any excel file we required lots of steps. 1. Open a file 2. Create an object of workbook 3. Get a sheet 4. Get rows using loop 5. Get cells using nested loop. But there is an easy way called exclim .  How to use Link to  exclim < dependency > < groupId >com.github.sukhjindersukh</ groupId > < artifactId >Exlim</ artifactId > < version >1.1</ version > </ dependency > Suppose we have Employee sheet in some excel file with following columns Name DOB Employee_1 25-05-1989 Employee_2 15-02-1980 Employee_3 02-05-2000 Now read all data in java 1. Create a simple java class as below public class Employee { String Name , DOB ; public String getName () { return Name ; } public void setName ( String name ) { Name = nam